Friday, May 27, 2011


I was so excited a few weeks ago to get the chance to go out with the beautiful, Candace, for her senior portraits!  Candace, her mom, and I all enjoyed a wonderful night in downtown Riverside at the Mission Inn and surrounding area.  Candace is such a pleasure to shoot with.  First of all... hello gorgeous!  But she is such a good sport, and willing to try anything I ask of her... thanks to her we got some pretty sweet shots!  I will sure miss this sweet girl when she leaves in a few weeks for college!









Monday, May 23, 2011


Today I got the chance to go out and meet this precious little man, and his sweet Mama.  Little Caleb is just over 2 weeks old, and the best little sleeper!    He slept through wardrobe changes, camera clicking, and his mama and I chatting away.  And, really, how handsome is he??  I teased his Mama that he is so cute it almost makes me want another one...almost :)










When my husband and I found out that our second baby was a boy, I remember one of his friends sending her congratulations, but admitting she was really more excited for me... the bond between a mom and her little boy is so unique and different from the bond between mother and daughter.  And I adore both of my children to the moon and back, but I must admit there is a little love affair between me and my little guy that is so special.  I am so excited for this beautiful second time Mommy to get to experience that with her first son.  Thank you Mary for sharing your afternoon, and your little man with me! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Mid Summer Night's Dream

Yesterday I had the chance to assist my dear friend, Tonya, at another of her amazing workshops.  This workshop's theme was A Mid Summer Night's Dream.  Like always, she left no stone unturned, and then entire day was full of wonderful information and magic.  

The day started out with a family shoot of the gorgeous Anderson family.  I was lucky to be able to hang around with Ellie and Easton again.  We spent more time playing, eating candy, and exploring so mom and dad could look beautiful and unstressed in front of the camera, than we did shooting, but I happened to still snap a few winners.  How beautiful is their mama?!  No wonder her kids are so pretty!




After the family shoot we headed back to Tonya's house for more instruction and learning, and also a fantastic catered dinner by the ever so talented, Kristina Kendig.  Kristina and I ate quickly and headed out to set up the unbelievable set she had created for the couple shoot.  I think each of these workshops is better than the last, even though that hardly seems possible!  If you have an interest in learning more about anything to do with photography, I would definitely recommend one of these fabulous workshops!










Love potion, a gorgeous couple, wonderful light, and an evening spent with some amazing photographers...what more could a girl ask for?  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Four Beautiful Babes

I had a last minute "Mother's Day" session the other day with four of the most beautiful babies!  All four babies are cousins and all within weeks of each other.  Their moms are all sisters...How fun to be pregnant together!  They wanted to do something special for Grandma for Mother's Day tomorrow, so we got together to take pictures of the girls wearing Grandma's favorite outfits...Tutu's!  These babies were all so cute and sweet, and although we were all sweatin' by the end, it was so much fun, and so worth it!

Madelyn is the "oldest"...

...Cheyenne was next...

... Followed my twin sister, Mackenzie...

...And last, but not least, was sweet Ivee...

We managed to get ONE picture of all four beauties looking in the general direction of the camera before...

...All drama broke loose!  It was hilarious and we were all laughing at these little drama queens in training.  No doubt these will be some of the favorite pictures from the whole day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there... Especially to the lucky Grandma of these four gorgeous girls!


A few weeks ago I got the chance to get out and shoot one of the happiest families I've ever met!  The Warren's are such a fun loving family, and we had lots of laughs on our shoot together.  They were all great sports even though we had ourselves a grey, windy day, and the girls were especially great!  So cute, and happy to smile for the camera!  

I had to throw this last one in for good measure.  I loved that they were so happy to goof around together.  It was obvious that they all adore each other, and I loved every second of our shoot!