Friday, November 11, 2011

My Ryker Jack

 When I was pregnant for the second time, I remember being anguished over having a second baby... How would I ever love him as much as I loved his sister?  Along with all the rest of the "normal" things you probably feel every time you add another little one to your family.  And two years later, I can hardly believe that I wondered how I could love this little boy!  I fell in love with him the instant I saw his squishy, chubby little face.  I cried when I held him on my chest and listened to his perfect newborn cry.  He was the yummiest baby boy... so chubby, and soft, and handsome.  As a baby he was always generous with his smiles and belly laughs.  He was such an easy baby... so mild mannered and pleasant. Then he turned one... and he got a little crazy!  I think that's when he turned into a "boy."  Because this guy is ALL boy... he climbs, and jumps, and runs, and screams, and parties hard from the time he wakes up in the morning until the time he goes to bed at night.  He is wild and crazy, and it is truly a  miracle there haven't been any stitches or broken bones in these past two years!  He is silly, knows how to please his audience, and constantly keeps all of us laughing at his wild man antics and quirky sense of humor.  He is my rough and tumble, mess making, dirt loving, prize winning baby boy.  And I am in LOVE with him... he does things and makes my heart literally feel like it is melting inside of my chest.  He was the perfect second addition to our family... his sisters best friend, mama's boy, and daddy's little buddy.  None of us could ever imagine life without the excitement and happiness he brings to it!  




















Ryker Jack-

Happy second birthday!  I can't believe you're only two years old, because it feels like I have loved you so much longer.  Your daddy and I absolutely adore you, and your sister just beams when you are around.  She is so special to you, and you miss her so much when she is gone at school.  You amaze me everyday with the new words you're learning, and the big boy things you are able to do.  It is kind of sad for Mommy to have to say goodbye to her Rykie "baby," because you know, 2 years old makes you a real "big boy."  But I am so excited that I get to enjoy you as you are right now, and  I am excited see all of the new tricks you'll learn this year!  I love you my sweet boy!!


1 comment:

  1. My little Tyler was just like Ryker. Sweet and wonderful until he turned one. Then he turned into such a handful. But you're right. He's a boy and there's no doubt about it. :) Fun photos!
